Join the Corson Lab!
Candidates should have a PhD by the postdoctoral appointment start-date and provide evidence of scientific excellence. We seek postdoctoral candidates from the fields of chemical engineering, chemistry, and materials science. Prospective postdoctoral researchers are strongly encouraged to identify potential extramural postdoctoral funding, and work with Professor Corson to submit a research proposal. Preference will be given to candidates that have secured extramural funding.
Graduate Students
Graduate students are first admitted to the department and then advisor selection occurs after the start of the school year. Please see the C&PE Graduate Admissions page for instructions on applying and the deadlines for both Fall and Spring admission. Upon your admission to the program, contact Professor Corson to discuss open GRA positions in the lab.
Undergraduate Students
The Corson Lab accepts undergraduate researchers throughout the year and through programs like the Summer REU IDEA Incubator, KUEST Bridge, and Emerging Scholars. Undergraduate researchers may receive course credit for research or hourly pay.